If you insist on using the same direct mail pieces you did in the past, your response rates shall suffer. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to develop pieces that are new as well as captivating. You’ll have an easier time getting the right results this way. Those who wish to be successful in their endeavours should have a look at the advice we’ve provided below.
Type of paper
There are countless ideas in existence about how you can get people to engage with a piece of mail. Consider your paper for example. Look at what you’re currently utilising, particularly how it looks and feels. Think about introducing some texture by adding a coating or using a separate stock. Employing the sense of touch is an excellent way of luring people in.
Creative folds
You may want to think about using creative folds as well. Folding is something that demands interaction. In other words, your audience has to open the mail to see what is behind the fold. You could include multiple folds or endless ones inside a mailer. There’s even the option to use short panels.
Finally, you could have technology play a part in some way. There are all kinds of technologies on offer that can augment your mail pieces. For instance, we have our mobile phones. You could incorporate near field communication or augmented reality. This would allow people to use their phones with the mail pieces.
At Global Mailing, we love making everything as simple as possible for our customers. By working with us, you will receive a number of great benefits. This includes the likes of free collections and also itemised invoicing.
Choosing our international mail service is rewarding for plenty of reasons. Therefore, if you want to do business with us, please get in touch.
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