The proper way to carry out direct mailing

At Global Mailing we have spent years providing first class mail services to businesses of all shapes and sizes from various industries. Being international direct mail specialists, we can send your materials off to where they need to go without there being any fuss involved. No matter what your requirements are, we will see to it that they are met.

Direct mail, despite its tender age, can still be an efficient marketing tool. This is as long as you use it properly and intelligently however. If you are considering using this kind of campaign, we have some advice that may prove useful to you. Despite the emergence of electronics, one can acquire desirable results by utilising this approach.

One precept you’re going to want to follow is the 40/20/40 rule. This states that the success and return on investment of your mailing campaign will be dictated by three factors. The initial 40% shall come from the effectiveness of the mailing, the other 40% depends on how obliging your offerings are, and the last 20% comes from everything else. This includes the delivery date and method, designs, and the images you’ve selected.

Whatever you do, don’t forget to follow up. Once you’re all done and dusted, you’ll be left with individuals that have come to and performed transactions with your company purely because of your mail. There is a plethora of ways in which you can keep track of this, but make certain that you opt for a strategy that’s easy enough to pursue. This way, you can re-engage with any clients with whom your efforts were successful.

At Global Mailing, the customers we’ve assisted have been with us for an average of 14 years, and feel more like an extended family than anything else. People choose and stay with us because we make things simple for them, and because we accept nothing less than top quality results. This makes us stand out as one of the very best international direct mail specialists.

If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch.

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